1. 遇到脸皮比牛皮还厚,租金不还又死赖着不走的租客是所有屋主的恶梦。
2. 而马来西亚的法律确实是比较保护租客的(pro-tenant)。根据1950年特定救济法令(Specific Relief Act 1950)的第7(2)条文,在租客死赖不走的情况下,屋主确实必须要通过民事诉讼的方式来回收不动产:
(2) Where a specific immovable property has been let under a tenancy, and that tenancy is determined or has come to an end, but the occupier continues to remain in occupation of the property or part thereof, the person entitled to the possession of the property shall not enforce his right to recover it against the occupier otherwise than by proceedings in the court.
3. 因此在遇到极品租客的情况下,通过诉讼来回收不动产会是无可避免的。一般上整个诉讼会分成两个阶段,第一个阶段是得到法庭的庭令写明屋主可以取回自己的产业,第二个阶段则是向法庭申请Writ of Possession (Order 45 rule 3(2) of the Rules of Court 2012) 让法庭的法警(Bailiff)执行庭令协助屋主取回该产业。
4. 整个程序会花将近3到6个月的时间。牵涉的费用通常为RM5,000至RM25,000之间视个案件状况而定。
5. 那么在租约已经终止租客不搬走的情况,屋主可以向逾期租客 (tenant holding-over) 追讨双倍数目为逾期租金吗?答案是可以的。根据1956年的民事法第28条文 (Section 28 of the Civil Law Act 1956) 屋主的确有权利这样做,不管有没有给相关通知:
28(4)(a) “Every tenant holding over after the determination of his tenancy shall be chargeable, at the option of his landlord, with double the amount of his rent until possession is given up by him or with double the value during the period of detention of the land or premises so detained, whether notice to that effect has been given or not.
6. 但是根据该条文,双方的租约必须已经完全终止。如果在合同终止,屋主却和租客商讨续约事项(renewal of tenancy)也没有说明会保留继续追讨逾期租金的权利,根据高庭在Mohamed Abu Bakar s/o Yusof v PA Syed Aboothahir s/o P Ahmed [1990] 1 MLJ 26的判决,屋主会被视为已经放弃该权利。
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