“律师律师,我之前有跟XX shopping mall签了三年的合同租了一个店铺卖衣服…“
“因为行情不好的关系, 我租了一年后就提前结束合同了”
“最近我收到那个shopping mall的律师信,他们除了要没收我的订金,也要追讨剩下两个年的租金?!”
为了保障房东/业主的利益,一般上租赁合同(tenancy agreement)都会写明在租客单方面提前解约的情况下,房东、业主除了能没收定金之外也能向租客追讨一笔约定赔偿金(liquidated and ascertained damages)。
有些租赁合同会例明双方同意的约定赔偿金是1-3个月的租金,而在房东/业主拥有比较大bargaining power的情况下(如shopping mall),规定赔偿金通常会是整个UNEXPIRED TERM, 也就是一笔同等于剩下租期租金的数目,例子如下:
“In the event of the Tenant vacating from the Demised Premises before the expiration of the term or renewed term of this Tenancy (as the case may be), the Tenant shall forthwith pay to the Landlord a sum equal to the rent for the whole of the unexpired period of the term of this Tenancy as agreed liquidated damages”
一般上很多律师通知客户根据 BERJAYA TIMES SQUARE SDN BHD V TWINGEMS SDN BHD & ANOR AND ANOTHER ACTION [2012] 9 MLJ 510这个案件,在合同有如以上约定赔偿金条款的情况下,房东/业主是可以追讨这笔违约金的。在这个案件里,法庭审定了:
- 在合同拥注明约定这笔赔偿金的情况下,这笔赔偿金会是业主的实际损失(actual loss);
- 在合同拥有约定赔偿金的情况下,业主是不需要采取任何措施去减少(mitigate)自己的损失的。
“[51] The losses suffered by the Plaintiff in this case was actual losses incurred by the Plaintiff for the non performance of the 1st Defendant’s obligations under the Tenancy Agreement. Pursuant to clause 10(2) of the Tenancy Agreement the Plaintiff was entitled to claim for the unexpired term as liquidated damages as a result of the Defendants non fulfilment of its part of the bargain.
… The Plaintiff therefore had no obligation to mitigate its losses as claimed by the Defendants. The Plaintiffs claim was, therefore, valid and proper and ought to be entertained by this Court..”
需注意的是以上案件是法庭在2012年审理的案件,而根据最近法庭审判的案例,法庭现在会考虑在租客自己提前解约的情况下,房东/业主有没有采取任何措施去减少自己的损失。 法庭不会直接准许房东/业主追讨合同里写明的全额约定赔偿金给租客。
如在SARGUNAM SEENIAPPAN v. VELLOO VALLIAN @ VELLAYAN [2017] 1 LNS 290,高等法院在这个案件里裁决了业主只能向租客追讨6个月的约定赔偿金,考虑到了业主在租客提前解约的6个月后及时找到新的租客。而在SUNSETS FORTUNE SDN BHD v SPECIAL CORAL SDN BHD [2021] MLJU 2544这个案件里,法庭也判定了业主追讨的约定赔偿金不是实际损失,因为业主也在之后招揽到了新的租客。