“杨律师您好,我有一个问题想请教你!五年前我和一些朋友一起创办了一个合伙生意(partnership) 开了一间火锅店。之后由于合作理念的不同,大约一年前我退出了这个合伙生意。”
“然而昨天我收到了这个合伙生意客户的律师信,信里向我追讨他们现在拖欠的 300千债务!”
“老实说在我退出前,我的确有跟这个客户有往来,并向他们下了几次订单。但是现在拖欠的订单都不是我下的! 请问在这样的情况下看,我是否需要偿还前合作伙伴欠下的债务呢?”
1. 在马来西亚,合伙企业是最常见的生意模式之一。相关法律可以在1961年合伙法令(Partnership Act 1961) 找到。
2. 而根据该法令的第11和第19条文,所有合作伙伴将共同承担债务责任。即便是在合伙生意解散或有人退出的情况下,前合作伙伴仍需偿还他在担任合作伙伴期间所拖欠的债务。
Section 11. Liability of Partners:
Every partner in a firm is liable jointly with the other partners for all debts and obligations of the firm incurred while the is a partner; and after his death his estate is also severally liable in a due course of administration for such debts and obligations, so far as they remain unsatisfied but subject to the prior payment of his separate debt.”
Section 19. Liability of incoming and outgoing partners:
(2) A partner who retires from a firm does not thereby cease to be liable for partnership debts or obligations incurred before his retirement.
3. 那么如果债务是退出合伙生意后所拖欠的,前合作伙伴并不知情也没有牵涉在相关交易里面,那么他还需要承担相关的法律责任吗?
4. 答案是:在特定情况下是可以的。这是因为根据法律规定,当一个合作伙伴退出时,他有责任立即通知那些曾有常规往来(habitual dealings)的客户他退出合伙生意的决定。
5. 如果他在退出时未通知相关客户,法律允许这些客户继续将其视为该合作企业的明显成员(apparent members),如果该合伙生意继续经营并拖欠债务,该名前合作伙伴(ex-partner)还是需要承担相关债务。
Section 38. Rights of persons dealing with firm against apparent members of firm
(1) Where a person deals with a firm after a change in its constitution, he is entitled to treat all apparent members of the old firm as still being members of the firm until he has notice of the change.
Refer to:
Tan Sin Moh v. Lebel Ltd [1988] 2 MLJ 51; Ang Lay Sim v. Choo Lay Poh [2004] 8 CLJ 7 and Jotun [Malaysia] Sdn Bhd v. Lai Kok Seng [2004] 1 LNS 1829
6. 因此,当一名合作伙伴决定退出合作企业,为了避免未来可能的债务责任,他必须执行以下步骤:
- 立即以书面形式通知与之有往来的客户他的退出决定 – 根据第38(1)条文;
- 在政府公报中刊登通告以通知公众 – 根据第38(2)条文;
- 与现有合作伙伴和债权人(creditors)签署解除责任协议确保不需要承担债务 – 根据第19(2)条文
7. 以上是我们今天分享关于债务以及合伙生意的法律资讯,如有任何关于partnership的法律问题,您可以通过WhatsApp联系我们: https://wa.link/q3kmv5
*****另外,如果您想了解合伙人合同(partnership agreement),您可以阅读我们的法律文章。
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