Yeo Law Chambers

Legal Articles

Divorce by Joint Petition and its requirements


Divorce by Joint Petition & its requirement 


In our article today, we would like to share about the preliminary requirements for applying Divorce by way of Joint Petition in Malaysia.


The first requirement


The husband and wife must be married with one another for more than two (2) years.


Second requirement


Although the parties do not need to provide the reason(s) that lead to the breakdown of their marriage, however, a consensus must be reached between the parties in relation to the custody, control and care of their child (or children); alimony (if any), and the distribution of their marital asset(s).


In summary, these are the questions that the parties need to discuss before looking for a divorce lawyer:-


  • Who the child going to live with in the future?
  • What kind of circumstances the other party has the right to visit or access their child
  • Before the child attains the age of majority, who has the power to make the decision(s) in relation to the child’s education, religion, and asset.
  • How to distribute the parties’ matrimonial properties?
  • Who will be paying the child’s daily expenses, education fees, and medical fees?
  • Does the husband need to pay alimony to the wife after divorce?


When both parties have come to a consensus in relation to the questions above, their divorce lawyer would insert all the agreed terms into the Court Order, so to prevent the parties from having a dispute after the divorce.


Documents that are needed for applying for divorce (by Joint Petition): 


  • photocopy of the husband’s and wife’s IC
  • photocopy of the marriage certificate
  • photocopy of the child’s identification document (birth certificate/MyKid
  • Relevant documents of their matrimonial asset(s)
  • photostat of medical report issued by a general practitioner (in relation to the health condition of the children)


If the parties cannot come to an agreement, and one of the party still intend to divorce, he/she would have to file a Unilateral Petition in the High Court.


These are the information about the conditions for applying Divorce by Joint Petition, if you have any inquiries about divorce, please do contact us:


1      If you want to know what are the differences between Joint Petition and Unilateral Petition For Divorce, you can read our article, please click


2.     If you want to know more about Divorce by Unilateral Petition, you can read our article, please click 


3.     About FAQ by our clients about Divorce by Joint Petition, you can read our article, you can read our article, please click 


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