Yeo Law Chambers

Legal Articles

Inheritance transfer law 1

After a person passes away, his next of kin not only need to handle his funeral affairs, they might also be facing problems when dealing with the estate of the deceased.


Some of the questions they might face are: (a) how to apply to become the legal representative of the deceased? (b)  How to transfer the estate of the deceased to his/her beneficiaries?


In Malaysia, the answers/ relevant legal procedures involved depend on whether the deceased died with a will (testate) or without a will (intestate).


Today we would like to share some legal information with regard to how to obtain a Grant of Probate when a person dies with a will (testate).


A.     When a person dies testate, the executor named in his will would be the legal representative of the deceased. The first step that needs to be done is to apply for a Grant of Probate from the High Court.


B.     Before engaging a lawyer, the executor will need to obtain the death certificate of the deceased issued by Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara (JPN), and understand the contents of the will, such as the distribution of the deceased’s estate, the identity of the beneficiaries, and witnesses, etc.


C.    After engaging a lawyer, the executor will need to provide the documents mentioned below for the preparation of court papers:


  • Original copy of the death certificate
  • Original copy of the will
  • A photocopy of the identity card of the deceased, executor, beneficiary/s, witnesses;
  • The relevant document of the deceased’s estates.

D.     Thereafter, the lawyer will arrange for the executor and the witnesses to sign & affirm the court papers, then file the court documents in the High Court to apply for a hearing date.


E.     After the hearing date is fixed (normally about a month after filing the court documents), the executor will need to appear before the Court Registrar with his/her lawyer. During the hearing day itself, the Registrar may also ask some questions in relation to the estate of the deceased. Basically, the lawyer will assist the executor to answer the questions.


F.     When the Registrar viewed that all the court papers are in order, the order for Grant of Probate will be given on that day. Generally, the sealed copy of the Grant of Probate will be received one (1) month after the hearing date.


G.     After obtaining the Grant of Probate, the executor can start to dispose of the deceased’s estate. According to the law, the executor must pay the debts (out from the estate of the deceased) before distributing the property to the beneficiaries in accordance with the will.


H.     The executor can open an estate account to record all transactions involved. When facing a problem in paying debt or effecting the transfer, the executor can seek advice from his lawyer.


This are some information regarding the grant of probate that we want to share with you today. If you have any inquiries about it, please do contact us:


If you want to know the procedures for applying a Grant of Letters of Administration, you can read our article


About the importance of having a will, you can read our article


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问题: . “杨律师你好,我的母亲上个月刚刚过世,去世前没有立下任何遗嘱。” . “她去世时有留下一些存款以及2间跟我父亲联名的屋子。我们有问过banker,我们受益人需要向高等法院申请遗产管理书 (Letter of Administration) 费用差不多是10千块左右。” . “我们也有听一些朋友讲这样子的案件其实可以去土地局处理,而且费用比较便宜。” . “那么请问向高等法院申请LA跟土地局申请的分别是什么?我母亲的这个案件可以去土地局处理吗?有没有什么特别的申请要求?希望你解答我的问题。 谢谢!”...


当一个人去世后,如果已经有一份遗嘱,那么接下来的步骤就是需要去法庭申请一份遗嘱认证书(Grant of Probate) 以便让受益人继承遗产。对于很多人来说,这一申请过程可能会显得复杂且不易理解。因此,本文旨在回答十个关于申请遗嘱认证书的常见问题,帮助您更好地了解这一程序的关键点和步骤。