Trademark registration not only provides protection to the business owners, it also gives additional commercial values as the registered owners are now able to license and/or assign their rights to a third party through various commercial agreements. Such legal rights have been recognized under the newly enacted Trademarks Act 2019.
As our firm’s lead lawyer, Mr. Ryan Yeo Ze Ren has been admitted as one of the registered trademark agents under the Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia (MyIPO), Messrs. Yeo Law Chambers is now one of the few legal firms in Johor Bahru that is able to provide IP related services to its clients.
商标注册不仅为商家提供法律上的保护,注册后也能为其拥有者提供额外的商业价值。因为根据新颁布的2019 年商标法,商标注册的所有者是能够商业协议将其权利转让或者通过许可 (license) 给第三方使用的。